Thursday, June 18, 2009

Money Scammers

Money scammers are more interested in preying on your purse stings then your heart strings, but they are adept at doing both. They will infiltrate your life with lies and compliments and sometimes even gifts and vow their undying loyalty. The least adept will leave their email right away, but the slimy clever ones will use your profile and any information you give them to create a persona of the male/female of your dreams.

The pictures are often stolen from modeling sites and their profiles and their life story are often stolen as well.

They may try several profiles to entice and once you leave your email, they will begin the hook.

Ask pertinent questions, such as, may I see a picture of you with the last sculpture you sculpted. My I see you in that hockey uniform or beside the Gran Torino you love so much. These can be faked with photo shop so be sure to ask for specifics which will be difficult to find on the internet.

Ask lots of questions and expect answers and keep the answers. They do seem to use their real stats to be able to remember as they are usually speaking to many people at once, but in the case of a man pretending to be a female model from Russia.... hard to do heheh.

Get as much information as they will give you and compare often.

Females will often scam using their bodies and making promises of sex and servitude. They will appeal to your manhood to get money from you. IE: They were orphaned, mistreated or beaten and now live on the streets or with a mean uncle or with the pastor. They were injured, raped, hit by a drunk driver... etc They might even have the “pastor” or “doctor” call to confirm this. Then they will ask for money to be sent so they can come be with you. NEVER give out any cash for any reason! If you want a Russian bride, meet one, return home and get a visa for her and then go get her.

Males will often pretend they are well educated, civil Engineers and consultants, who travel the world. Often they will pretend to be pilots, or involved in film, the arts, or to live in the states as well as abroad.... anything to lead you astray as they pretend to be traveling all over the world to keep one step from actually meeting you. Always promising that in a few months they will be there for you. They appeal to the femininity and nurturing, so might use children and pictures of them or even have them call you and say “mommy!”. They will be pretend to be well off, but want you to cash some cheques or money orders or send them money because their credit cards and passport were stolen. They will feign accidents and tragedies once they have you hooked on them.

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