Thursday, June 18, 2009

Date Scammer Detection Hints:

Once you do get his full name, pay to have him checked out if you are really interested, , but only after you have done the following: (sorry, the hyperlinks did not work, please copy and paste)

Check the pictures on a scam site:

Compare the picture here to see if the photo has been used to scam previously (remember it may be stolen from a model site on the internet)

Check the email address they are using to see if they are using one from the location they state. If they are using an untraceable proxy, they are likely scammers.

Follow these steps to find the sender's IP address :

A Log into mail
B right click on the message line and click properties/view source or
C Open the mail
D If you cannot see the headers above the message, to display headers, click on your message options/preference/headers or message options/show all headers field in your browser.
show all/ then open the mail again.
E You should now a message with numbers and information above the message or the headers.
F Look for Received: from then the IP address between brackets For example [] First try the one closest to the message
G. Trace the sender's IP address by pasting it without brackets into :

or any other IP address checker

More information and where to post the scammer

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